The Best Gratitude Journaling Hack


This super simple gratitude journal technique has had a massive impact on my life and most recently, it’s been a total gamechanger for my business.

For starters, practicing gratitude has always been a fun and important part of my morning ritual - I begin by simply closing my eyes for a moment and tuning into who and what I feel thankful for, the things and people I love most and I focus on what’s going really well in life and business. I’ll quickly jot down a few of the first things that come to my mind and then allow myself to feel allllll the good feelings of focusing on that list. Doing this alone, is incredibly POWERFUL!

NOW, here’s where the Gratitude Journal Hack comes in...

A few months ago, I started to include 2 to 3 things on my daily gratitude list that I really want but haven’t happened yet. The results of this have been absolutely MIND BLOWING! 🤯

For example, at the beginning of July I wrote gratitude statements like “I’m so grateful that July 2020 was a record breaking financial month for my business!” and “I’m so grateful to have an incredible team supporting me in my life and business!”

I wrote different versions of these statements throughout the month of July.

Can you guess what happened? 💁🏻‍♀️

🦄 July 2020 was the BEST financial month in my business everrrrrr… Not only was it a recording-breaking month but I achieved this outcome from a place of fun and total ease!

🦄 I hired a Virtual Assistant to help free up my time and energy in my business so that I can focus on what I love most and stay in my zone of genius

🦄 We invested in a housekeeper which takes a BIG chunk of household work off my plate - Alle-freakin-lujah!

Pretty cool, right?! Now, it’s YOUR turn! 💫

What is something that YOU are ready to create, manifest, and call into your life and/or business?

Take that desired outcome and plug it into a statement of gratitude as if it’s already happened or from a placing of knowing with absolute certainty that it’s already on its way to you! 🙏🏼

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


50% Complete

Two Step

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